Samstag, 12. Dezember 2015

The last 4 Weeks

After leaving Buenos Aires I went to a couple of places before I left Southamerica. I won't go into too much detail, just a short summary of the last 4 weeks. 

My first stop after Buenos Aires was in Salta. Salta is in Argentina's Northwest directly at the Andes and very warm. I enjoyed the heat after all these cold weeks! The Andes in Salta looked a lot different from all the other times I went into the mountains. It was very interesting! I met Brent, a fun Australian, who I spent the days in Salta with and together we went on a fun day trip to the Salinas Grandes in Jujuy and some other places. 
Brent and I
Andes outside of Salta

Salinas Grandes
Andes outside of Salta

Tren a las nubes - train to the clouds

From Salta I took a bus through the Andes to San Pedro de Atacama, in Northern Chile. On the way I made friends with 3 more Australian guys and a German girl, all wonderful people who I had lots of fun with in San Pedro! 

Geysers del Tatio

Geysers del Tatio

Geysers del Tatio


Valle de la luna - Moon valley
Valle de la luna - Moon valley

Valle de la luna - Moon valley





After San Pedro the plan was to travel south in Chile but I got really sick and ended up staying in Santiago for a whole week. Most of the time I spent in bed but to our surprise, Brent, the Australian from Salta, coincidentally walked into my hostel in the middle of the week! It was fun to see him again for a couple of days :) The hostel was very great, too! Rodrigo, the owner, took well care of me and made sure, that the whole week was lots of fun despite my sickness. 

After Santiago I took a flight to Lima, Peru, to meet my dad. Together we looked at Lima and afterwards went to Cusco to see some old Inca sites and - of course - the Machu Picchu! 




Boat tour to an island full of sealions


Swimming with the sealinos :D 

Salt mines in Maras, Urubamba valley

Salt mines in Maras, Urubamba valley

Inca terrace in Moray, Urubamba valley

Inca terrace in Moray, Urubamba valley

Machu Picchu!

Machu Picchu! 
Machu Picchu!

Machu Picchu!




From Cusco we took some flights to Foc do Iguaçu in Brazil! First we visited the Brazilian side and on the next day we went back to Argentina for a day to see the Argentine side of the Iguazú falls. 

Iguassu falls - Brazil

Iguassu falls - Brazil

Iguassu falls - Brazil

Iguassu falls - Brazil

Iguassu falls - Argentina

Iguassu falls - Argentina

Iguassu falls - Argentina

Iguassu falls - Argentina

After the falls we took off to our last stop - Rio de Janeiro! We spent some wonderful last days in this interesting and pretty city!

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro
South America, it's been a good one! 
Thank you so much to all the people who have made this trip so awesome :)

I will definitely be back. 
But lets see what else comes next ;)